Tuesday 30 January 2018

Archplanest: Online House Design Platform

Archplanest has created Online Design Platform for you to create your dream home Plans and Home Interior renovation. Our Home Plans are stylish, high quality, creative and based on space utilization.  We develop the plans and interior design as per client satisfaction as per available conditions. No surprises, no corners cut and no delays. We will be putting you in charge to decide your requirements in house plans, but we will not compromise on the quality and creativity. We facilitate you with n number of revisions on planning and elevation designs.
As a new-home planner, Archplanest enables you to take the next step for building the house. We will make you understand all the designs in details. We will facilitate you with proper information and guidance to read the drawings. So that you can control of the design and build of your new home. You will be in touch with expert coordination team for revision in house planning and drawing understanding and you deal directly with the company owners throughout the process – no salespeople, no third parties. Explore every detail, from the most whimsical details to practical considerations, but rest assured the quality of house plans will be world class.

Must consider in house designs before you begin

Once you have decided to design and build your own home, you must have t be clear in thought about what you want in your dream home? The following are some things to consider before you begin designing:

Basic Design Tips

Good house design comes with great advantages. You must think about it how you want to use the space your home and the materials. You might need a home that not only looks great, but should be comfortable and convenient to live in too. So before you embark on the design and building, take a moment to consider the following:
Choose the location: Location is the 1st and most important part you need to finalize. You must know where you want live and what environment you want to give your family. Some basic thing you can consider while choosing the plot location for your dream home are how far from work, school, family and friends are you willing to live Make a list of all the facilities that you need to have access to, such as schools, shopping and public transport, and check the list against each location you're interested in. Also the pricing of land may affect your building budget. Consider the shape of the land you need.

Space Needed: Good use of space within the home and section is important for function and style. Think about the size of your home and how it will fit on your section.

Living Areas: Your day to day life style is the easiest way to decide the living areas in house plan like bedrooms, living room, entertainment room, kids room, kitchen size, parking area etc. For specific things like bedroom, bathroom, kitchen you can consider following things:

1.      Bathrooms: How many do you need and do you want a separate toilet? Heated towel racks are a luxury, but they improve your life. Various things like under-floor heating a negotiable, and is a shower sufficient, or do you want a bath.
2.      Kitchen: Kitchen is the place which is in most use, and has to be decided by your home minister’s, so we suggest you to listen to them. They are the right person to decide the size of kitchen and location of same. The deciding factors are like how often you use it and what purposes you want to serve  like for parties, for day to day use, attaching to dining, open or closed kitchen, needs a utility or washing are with it or not. Rest we will suggest you as per latest trends.
3.      Bedrooms: Your family hierarchy with different age groups can help you in deciding the number of bedrooms. Always think of future, you can go for regular extension in house. So think for future requirement and make proper provisions. For example if your kids are in between 5-6 years, they may need a single bedroom in future.

Interior Aspects: You can decide on interior design and lighting provision later on once the plans get freezed.

Practical Provisions
As well as external aesthetic considerations like cladding, roof shape and garaging, consider making practical provisions for energy efficiency, heating, on-going maintenance and weather proofing too.

About Archplanest

Archplanest believes building a new home is an exciting experience. By using the services and designs of Archplanest, you can build home of your dreams. Archplanest has created a modern home-building tool, which makes it affordable for you to build a new home plans. Without pressure from third parties, you can take your time tinkering with the design to perfect the home plans you want. It’s easy to use and you can start now. For more query you can visit us at www.archplanest.com

Reach us at : +91-8587837958

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